BB Direct's Pharmacist Mailing List is meticulously updated to ensure the highest deliverability, including checks against the National Change of Address (NCOA), DNC scrubbing every 30 days, and 100% Delivery Point Verification (DPV). These highly educated professionals, experts in prescription drugs, drug therapies, and controlled substances, are prime targets for marketing campaigns aimed at high-income audiences. Our pharmacist mailing lists are perfect for promoting a wide range of products and services, such as insurance, travel, continuing education, financial planning, office equipment and supplies, industry-related periodicals, professional apparel, recruitment, and more.
Our pharmacist database is enhanced to provide a more complete picture of this population occupation segment. When you choose selects that are in line with the demographics of your best customers and those you want to reach, you'll improve your response and ROI.
Our pharmacist database is sourced from each of the States Department of Professional Regulation department, then rigorously cleaned and standardized so your mail reaches it's intended mailbox. It's then enhanced with a variety of demographic and behavioral interest categories for more refined targeting. See above for the list of selects available.
Experts in prescription drugs, drug therapies, and the care and use of controlled substances, Pharmacists make an excellent choice when seeking to market to an educated or high income audience.
Do you have questions about our pharmacist marketing list or any other mailing list? We would like to help. Whether you are new to direct mail marketing, or just want to be sure you've got all your bases covered, BB Direct's friendly mailing list experts are here to help you make your next direct mail campaign a success. Consider some of the other Licensed Professionals Database such as Nurses, Physicians, Dentists, Paramedics, and more.
Find lists online using our list portal or get help from our list experts.
Complete the transaction online or while you're on the phone.
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