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Licensed Professionals Selects Available

Better Targeting Reduces Costs and Lifts Response

BB Direct's Licensed Professionals start with the most up-to-date State Licensure data. We then append a multitude of selects to help you make the most out of your target marketing.

Email Addresses Available? YES
Telephone Available? YES
Home or Work Address Available? YES
Demographic Selects Available? YES
Property Ownership Selects Available? YES
Product Buyer Activity Selects Available? YES
Financial Selects Available? YES
Sports Interest Selects Available? YES
Lifestyle & Hobbie Selects Available? YES
Health Interest Selects Available? YES
Travel Interest Selects Available? YES

See below for our complete list of available selects. Refine your search and make your campaign pop!!!

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* Indicates required questions
Name *
Email *
Phone # *
Describe your Target Audience *
Enter code in image:
Demographics Lifestyles
Age Buyer Activity Donor
Birth Month / Date Avg $/Order Online/Offline Recent Donation
Gender Dollars Spent Online/Offline Mail Order Donor
Marital Status Last Order Date Online/Offline Animal Welfare Causes
HH Income # of Orders Online/Offline Arts & Cultural Causes
Education Mail Order/Catalog Buyer Childrens Causes
Occupation Catalog Type Buyer Environment/Wildlife Causes
Political Party Mail Responder Health Causes
Ethnic Group Method of Payment Political Causes
Language Spoken Purchases by Month Religious Causes
Religion Retail Purchase Category Veterans Causes
Product Buyer Category Lifestyle & Hobbies
Geography Mens/Womens Apparel Antiques
Zip/SCF/County/State High End Appliances Apple/Mac Owner/User
Zip Radius Arts & Antiques Arts
MSA / CBSA Automotive Automotive Work
County Size Code Books Aviation
Childrens Beauty & Cosmetics
Family Club Memberships Boat Owner
Presence of Children Collectibles Camping/Hiking
# of Children Crafts & Hobbies Career Improvement
# of Adults Discount Merchandise Childrens' Interests
Children by Age Fishing Civic Activities/Charities
Children by Gender Food & Beverage Collectibles
Generations in HH Gardening Cooking
Senior Adult in HH Health & Beauty Current Affairs/Politics
Single Parent Home Furnishings Equestrian
Home Office Games -- Board/Computer/Video
Property Hunting Gardening
Homeowner/Renter Jewelry Grandchildren
Dwelling Type Military Memorabilia History/Military/Veteran
Length of Residence Musical Instruments Home Improvement
Home Value Pets Avid Music Listener
Home Loan Amount Photography/Video Pets -- Cat/Dog
Home Swimming Pool Sports & Leisure Reading
Home Sq. Ft. Travel Packages & Products Science/Space
Home Year Built Video & DVDs Tobacco Smoker
Vacation Home
Financial Health Interest
Characteristics Personal Investments Bicycling
Green Living Foreign Investments Dieting/Weight Loss
Self Employed Stocks & Bonds Investments Health/Natural Food
Home Office Active Investor Physical/Aerobic Exercise
Property Investor Running/Jogging Exercise
Net Worth Walking for Exercise
Sports Interest Travel Interest
NASCAR / Auto Racing Cruise Vacations
Skiing Domestic Travel
Baseball / Basketball / Football International Travel
Hockey / Soccer / Tennis RV Travel

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