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Frequently Asked Questions

Please don't hesitate to call and talk to one of our Mailing List Experts if you cannot find the answer to your question.

Have questions?  We have answers....

How long does it take to receive a list count or order?
The vast majority of list orders are emailed to our clients within 60 minutes or less. Some requests are sourced from 3rd party databanks and require more time to fulfill the order.  Counts for orders are quick too.  Again, it all just depends on which databank platform we're using to access your count.
How many times can I mail to the list?
Most all list is rented, so you are renting it for a one-time mailing within a period of 12 months.  A multi-use option is also available for most lists and to be used within a period of 12 months from order date.  Multi-use pricing is  typically twice the base price plus the additional select fees.
What format does the mailing list come in?
By default, we will send you the list as an attachment in an email and it will come as a .csv, which opens easily in MS Excel and is widely acceptable for most mail service providers. Call us if you need a different format, we'll be happy to help if we can.
Can I suppress my own customers from a newly ordered list?
Yes, provide us with your customer list and we will suppress it from your count before ordering.  If using our mailing list order platform,, you can easily upload your list at the count stage to eliminate any matching data.
Do I own the list when I order it?
You technically do not own the list you order.  You rent it for a one-time use or multi-use for marketing purposes.  However, when mailing these records, anyone responding to your mail piece, whether calling, emailing, or coming into your store in purchase, you then own that record.
How can I build my own business mailing list?
Use various SEO and SEM strategies to encourage visitors to fill out forms on your website, ask existing customers and site visitors for their email, or purchase a business email list. Whether it’s B2B or B2C list, there’s no more responsive list to mail that to your existing customers.
Can I get phone numbers on the consumer or business list?
In most cases, yes.  But we only release phone numbers that are not on the Do Not Call Registry. DNC Registry requirements apply.  The number of available/callable phones on the Consumer Database is around 10% of the total.  The business database often comes with a phone number and there are currently no calling restrictions to calling a business in the U.S. 
How can you make my next advertising campaign more successful and cost-effective?
Enhancing various aspects of your direct mail list program can significantly increase its success and cost-efficiency. Here are some key strategies: 1. Refine Demographic Variables: By fine-tuning demographic criteria, you can create a more targeted and qualified mailing list, ensuring your message reaches the right audience. 2. Develop Response Models: Implementing response models helps predict which prospects are most likely to engage with your campaign, allowing for more focused and effective marketing efforts. 3. Utilize Advanced Postal Presort Options: Leveraging advanced postal presort options ensures a higher percentage of your mail pieces reach their intended recipients, reducing the cost of wasted mailings. 4. Apply Hygiene Services: Using our hygiene services, such as CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) and NCOA (National Change of Address), keeps your mailing list up-to-date and accurate, further minimizing undeliverable mail and maximizing your return on investment.
How do I make sure that I get the right mailing list for my business?
Our experienced Mailing List specialists will work closely with you to understand your business goals and objectives. They will guide you through all available options and suggest the most effective lists for your needs. Testing different lists and criteria can lead to the best long-term results. We provide expert support throughout the process to ensure you get the most suitable list for your business.

Email Marketing

Can I upload a purchased email list to Constant Contact or Mail Chimp?
No, typically retail email deployment platforms DO NOT allow users to upload “cold-email” lists. They state that on their platform on each upload. Their platforms are designed for users to mail to existing customers or responders who actually stated they want email communication.
How do I then send cold-emails if I cannot upload to a retail email deployment platform?
Email is most always sent by us, on your behalf. Just send us your HTML copy and we deploy your message for you. The servers used to get this message out already have permission to communicate to these email addresses.
Can I get an email list with my postal mailing list purchase?
This is a great question.  Technically, we can output the email addresses, where available.  However, it's difficult to get your HTML message into their inbox unless you have a prior relationship with that consumer.  In fact, you're prohibited from uploading purchased records into a typical retail email deployment platform.  Platforms like Constant Contact and Mail Chimp has strict rules against emailing to 3rd party lists.  You would have to upload to your own email system to get the emails sent.  And again, if you don't have a prior relationship with this person, likely your email will end up in their junk fold. As an alternative, we offer a deployment service.  When you order a consumer postal list, ask how many records have email and have us email them for you.  You supply us with the HTML creative and we deploy to them on your behalf.
What kind of email append rate can I expect?
This varies depending on how old the list is and how complete the addresses are. We typically see a 35% to 55% append rate on the first pass. In some circumstances is makes sense to pass the remaining, un-appended records, against a second or third database to hopefully find more matched records. This can usually add another 10% to 20% appended emails.

How to Order a Custom List


Find lists online using our list portal or get help from our list experts.


Complete the transaction online or while you're on the phone.


Download your list instantly in a .CSV format for easy CRM integration.

  • Intuitive Ordering
  • Affordable Pricing
  • Extremely Accurate
  • Highest Mail Deliverability
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