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Unlocking Postal Discounts for Your Direct Mail Campaigns

Discount Opportunity for High-Volume Mailers

If you mailed more than 500,000 pieces of First Class Pre-Sort mail each in Q4, 2007 and 2008, you are eligible for a 20% postal discount during this coming Q4 for any incremental volume.

This is a great deal from the USPS! If you don’t see yourself moving promotional mail to First Class for this offer, think again. Assuming you’ve stored up the volume requirements in your monthly First Class billings, you can use your 20% rebate to mail First Class postcards. With this discount, the average 35-cent letter rate is reduced by 7 cents, effectively lowering your incremental postcard rate to 15 cents! This is especially beneficial when you use targeted consumer mailing lists to ensure your promotional postcards reach the right audience effectively.

Leverage the Subconscious

Leverage the reader’s subconscious wish to find extra value in your offer. While they already like what you have, it’s their imagination that motivates them to say, "I want this now.” For example, an upscale restaurant ad might list an entrée with enticing copy: "butter-poached, bone-in Top Loin with truffled macaroni and cheese." Who knew steak with mac and cheese could sound so irresistible? When crafting such compelling messages, using our business mailing lists can help you target potential customers who are likely to be drawn to these attractive offers.

Filling in the Gaps

Remember the vast, white landscapes of Dr. Zhivago or March of the Penguins? These films beautifully utilized white space, but in your direct mail pieces, leaving large portions of white space may be a missed opportunity. Always check the backs of your letters, reply forms, lift notes, and the insides of your envelopes. Can these areas be used to further promote your message? Filling these gaps can make a stronger impression on the reader. For example, leveraging our property mortgage mailing lists can ensure that every inch of your mail piece reaches a relevant and interested audience.

Full details on this offer can be found at the USPS Promotions page.

Enhance Your Direct Mail Strategy with BB Direct

BB Direct offers a wide range of targeted mailing lists, including consumer mailing lists, business mailing lists, and property mortgage mailing lists. By integrating these lists into your direct mail campaigns, you can optimize your reach and maximize your response rates. Let us help you refine your strategy and achieve your marketing goals with our high-quality, targeted mailing lists.