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The Power of Personalization in Direct Mail Marketing

The importance of including a personal name within the mailing address label instead of “Current Resident” when mailing to a Saturation Resident Occupant list cannot be overstated. People today demand to be spoken to as individuals. The better you know your direct mail prospects and customers, the better you’ll be able to communicate with them – and the more likely you’ll experience a favorable direct mail response. By including a person's name on the direct mail piece, your message becomes more compelling and your offer becomes more credible.

Personalized Digital Direct Mail Printing

In today’s advanced technology, digital printing allows the direct mail marketer to include personalized names within the content of the mail piece as well as the mailing label, ensuring every direct mail piece is unique. Further, this technology allows the direct mail marketer to include personalized variable text. You may have multiple segments within your mailing list, and each of these segments can receive a different text message on the same print run. This technology allows the direct mail marketer to get as personal as desired.

Example of Personalized Direct Mail

Consider the following example: an established real estate office has 19 agents prospecting the local market. Each of these agents has a different cell phone, email, and photo. Additionally, several agents deal exclusively with buyers, while others go after listing contracts, and still others do both listing and sales. The owner of the real estate office decides to purchase a mailing list from his trusted mailing list broker. Working with the broker, they decide on a mailing list containing both home renters and homeowners. The list is also segmented to encompass specific areas around the city, including a higher-end neighborhood and many homeowners around the new school.

With digital printing, the computer is programmed to identify each segment on the mailing list and assign each record to one of the 19 agents. Depending on the record and agent, the text message includes an offer custom-tailored to the audience. The outcome is that each agent makes a very specific offer to their assigned audience, maximizing the chances of a positive response. For instance, targeting a physicians mailing list with personalized messages can yield better engagement from healthcare professionals.

Tracking and Analyzing Responses

As the sales leads come in, the names and addresses of each are recorded and matched back to the original mailing list. This “matching back” measurement allows the direct mail marketer to see patterns of response, and match changes to the offers, creative design, and mailing list audience, improving future campaigns. Over time, the direct mail marketer will continually understand their unique market and the mailing list that captures the highest rate of quality sales leads.

Maximizing Return on Investment

The bottom line is that a higher response rate of more qualified sales leads means a better return on direct mail investment. By leveraging personalized digital printing and precise targeting, you can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your direct mail campaigns. For example, using a lawyers mailing list to send personalized offers to legal professionals can result in higher engagement and better ROI.

By implementing these strategies, you can create compelling and personalized direct mail campaigns that resonate with your audience, drive higher engagement, and deliver a strong return on investment.