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Spanish Direct Mail Marketing

Posted by Brian Berg Google+


* English and Español


The Hispanic community in the United States is far from homogeneous. South Americans and Central Americans, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Argentinians all make up the 43 million strong Hispanic population of the United States. They share, however, one crucial bond: language. When asked, 36% of Hispanics prefer their advertising direct mail in Spanish, while 39% prefer it in English. But 72% receive almost all of their advertising direct mail in English. So how will your communications get to Hispanics in the language they prefer? Easy enough: Reach them with bilingual Direct Mail pieces!  BB Direct's Consumer Mailing List includes selects like ethnicity and language spoken in the home. 




Direct mail is an excellent way to communicate with prospects within the Hispanic community and accommodate their language preferences. Direct Mail pieces can be prepared in both English and Spanish, allowing you to reach and connect with Hispanics, regardless of their language preference. Take advantage of the potential of using multiple languages in your mailings to make sure your direct mail message will be understood.


* A Hispanic Opportunity


The direct mail moment is an exciting time for most households. It’s when every family opens their mail and looks forward to what they will receive. But this moment is even more special in Hispanic households. They look forward to the mail they receive, including advertising and commercial mailings. In fact, 50% of all Hispanics think they receive the right amount of direct mail promotional material in the mail, and 15% would like to receive more direct mail! Moreover, Hispanics are six times less likely than non-Hispanics to discard their direct mail without looking at it. Hispanics look forward to their direct mail, but they also receive less of it. On average, Hispanic households receive 4 mail pieces per day, which is 20% fewer pieces than the average non-Hispanic household.




Hispanics are receptive to direct mail and also enjoy it.  By sending direct mail to Hispanics, the direct mail marketer will differentiate itself from the competition because Hispanics receive so few mail pieces.


*Target: Latinas


Latinas love to shop and that’s a fact!  56% of all Hispanics said they love to shop, while only 39% of non-Hispanic Americans agreed.  And they put their money where their mouths are:  Hispanics spent $1,992 last year on clothing and accessories.  That’s almost $900 more than non-Hispanic Americans.v Plus, women are twice as likely than men to make a purchase after being persuaded by Direct Mail pieces.  Go ahead and make Latinas a target for your advertising mail.




Target Latinas with catalogs and encourage them to indulge in their love of shopping.  Also, if you sell beauty products, consider direct mailing samples and scent strips to pique their interest.  Remember, Hispanics are likely to open your advertising direct mail, so they will enjoy the samples you send them.