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Nurturing Leads Through Direct Mail Marketing

Not all leads are the same, and they should not be pursued the same way. Direct marketing technology has made it easier than ever for marketers to build variable communication strategies to nurture their leads and improve response rates. Whether you are targeting nurses mailing lists, dentists mailing lists, or any other professional group, understanding the nuances of lead nurturing is crucial.

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing involves first understanding the naturally occurring subsets of your lead database. Many companies test multiple ways to bring new leads to their storefront, using direct mail, online advertising, space ads with a ring group phone number, and various co-marketing efforts that develop leads of all kinds.

New Leads

New leads are those mildly interested in your product or service but not necessarily ready to purchase. They usually have more pressing interests and may not be in the “buying stage” but could be in the “learning more” stage soon. The best communication for these leads is to familiarize them with your brand and make it easy for them to learn more about the benefits of your product, company, and service.

Communication with New Leads Might Include:

  • Visual content like infographics along with simple messages to generate interest and curiosity.
  • Helpful information pointing to blog posts or follow-up information.
  • White papers or eBooks that cover a broad scope of topics.
  • Invitations to events or webinars to engage them further.

Warm Leads

Warm leads are more serious about considering your product or service. These leads are comparing your offerings with your competitors. They realize the benefits and value of your product or service and are ideal for competitor comparison charts and visual aids that summarize the ease of purchase, use, and maintenance.

Communication with Warm Leads Might Include:

  • Demonstration requests to remind these leads of their initial interest.
  • Product overviews to keep the lead engaged as they contemplate moving forward.
  • Event or webinar invites to provide further information.
  • Value guides to rejuvenate interest and demonstrate clear value.

Opportunity for Sale

Opportunities are leads that have a serious interest in purchasing your product or service. They have decided they are going to purchase and are emotionally ready to buy. These leads need that extra push to make the commitment and should be tended to by the best people on your sales team. These leads need to be acted upon quickly, as they are likely to buy from someone else if they don’t buy from you.

Communication with Opportunity for Sale Might Include:

  • Competitive differentiators to remove obstacles posed by competitors.
  • Buyers guides to move opportunities to action.
  • Special offers and pricing to pique their interest to act.
  • Sales proposals to map out the finer details and prepare the prospect for the sale.

New Customers

Depending on your industry, new customers can be nurtured for more business, upgrades, and upsell/cross-sell opportunities. Continued communication with customers is crucial to maintain their interest and business.

Communication with New Customers Might Include:

  • Onboarding information to reinforce the professional process taken by your customer.
  • Training resources to ensure customer commitment and reduce product returns.
  • Product updates to remind customers of your cutting-edge brand.
  • Renewal notices to prepare customers for the next sale.

Continual Lead Qualification

At each stage of customer development, the curiosity of the lead either “tunes in” to the finer attributes of your product or service, or they “tune out.” Done right, your cold leads are nurtured through the development stages by offering more insightful content that best addresses a particular audience segment.

Key Questions for Lead Qualification

When developing your lead generation program, consider incorporating questions that will help you pinpoint what stage of nurturing your lead is in. Try to get the following questions answered:

  • What product or service are you interested in?
  • How soon are you considering a purchase?
  • How often/how much do you plan to purchase/use the product/service?
  • What obstacles are standing in the way of making a purchase?


By carefully segmenting your lead flow and tailoring your communication to each stage of the nurturing process, you can improve your lead conversion rates and build stronger relationships with your prospects. Whether you’re targeting nurses mailing lists, dentists mailing lists, or any other group, the principles of lead nurturing remain the same.