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Ensuring Mailing List Deliverability – Setting the Right Expectations for Your Mailing Customers

In the realm of direct mail marketing, success hinges on several factors, with the accuracy and deliverability of the mailing list being paramount. As printers and lettershops, you play a crucial role in guiding your customers through this process, helping them set realistic expectations for their campaigns. At BB Direct, we understand the importance of deliverability and strive to provide mailing lists that maximize the chances of reaching the intended recipients.

Understanding Deliverability

Deliverability refers to the likelihood that a piece of mail will reach its intended recipient. While we cannot guarantee response rates for any direct mail campaign, we can ensure that the mailing lists we provide are as "deliverable" as possible. This means that the names and addresses on our lists are accurate and up-to-date, reducing the chances of mail being undeliverable.

Consumer Database Deliverability

Our consumer databases boast a deliverability rate of approximately 97% or better. This high rate is due to our rigorous updating process, where we refresh our files every 30 days. Despite this, it’s important to note that approximately 3% of the list may not reach its intended destination due to people moving and not submitting their forwarding addresses to the postal service. While we strive for perfection, these factors are beyond our control.

Business Database Deliverability

The deliverability of our business databases varies significantly depending on the type of business. For example:

  • Restaurants: Generally have a lower deliverability rate due to high turnover rates and frequent relocations.
  • Universities: Typically have a higher deliverability rate as these institutions are more stable.
  • Licensed Professionals: Professionals who must register with the state often have higher deliverability rates as their information is more regularly updated and accurate.

On average, our business databases may have a deliverability rate of around 85-90%, but this can vary based on the specific industry and other factors such as employee turnover.

Enhancing Deliverability

To combat deliverability issues, many mailers include "Or Current Resident" on the second line of the address. This strategy ensures that the mail piece will be delivered to the current occupant, thus improving overall deliverability and response rates. It’s a practical solution that helps mitigate the challenges of keeping addresses up-to-date.

Setting the Right Expectations

It’s crucial to set these expectations with your customers ahead of time. Here are some key points to communicate:

  1. Every Mailing List Has Limitations: Regardless of how "fresh" the list is, there will always be some degree of undeliverability.
  2. Target Market Accuracy: Success in direct mail largely depends on the appropriateness of the target market for the offer and the strength of the offer itself.
  3. Regular Updates: Assure customers that our lists are updated regularly, but highlight the reality that certain factors, like relocations and job changes, are unpredictable.

By understanding and communicating these aspects, you help your customers set realistic expectations and improve their chances of a successful direct mail campaign. At BB Direct, our commitment is to provide the most accurate and deliverable mailing lists possible, ensuring your customers have the best foundation for their marketing efforts.

By setting clear expectations and providing the highest quality mailing lists, you can help your customers achieve their direct mail marketing goals. Remember, while deliverability is crucial, the overall success of a campaign also relies on a well-defined target market and a compelling offer. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to BB Direct – we’re here to help!