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Enhancing Direct Mail Campaigns: Tips for Success

1) Tracking Codes

Tracking codes are essential for calculating program ROI. Common sense tells you to place a key code on your reply form. However, few marketers consider the tracking code for inbound phone response. This means that if you have a phone number on a brochure, letter, or buckslip, you need to include the tracking code on each piece. Otherwise, you will be frustrated by a quantity of phone responses that cannot be tracked to a specific effort. Think about using unique telephone numbers or unique extensions. Utilizing a targeted approach with a registered voters mailing list can ensure that each piece of your campaign is effectively tracked and measured.

2) The Power of Touch

Good mail packages are finger candy. They beg to be peeled, scratched, slid, ripped, zipped, popped, unfolded, and wiggled. Design your kit to get physical. Once the hands are involved, the mind follows. For instance, when targeting professionals using a teachers mailing list, make sure your mail pieces are engaging and interactive to capture their attention and interest.

3) 80% Open & Read Rate

On any given mail day, you can expect that at least 80% of your targeted readers will read or scan your mailing, assuming you have been diligent in specifying your list. Compare that statistic with general advertising read rates. For more insight, check out the USPS Household Diary. Leveraging a nurses mailing list can help you reach a highly responsive audience, ensuring that your message is read and acted upon.

By following these strategies, you can enhance the effectiveness of your direct mail campaigns and achieve better results.