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Effective Direct Marketing Strategies for B2B Marketing

TIP #1: Lead Generation with Direct Mail

When it comes to lead generation, don't fail. Mail. By Russell Kern, CEO, Kern Organization

Working with various B2B marketers, I often discuss lead generation with campaign managers. Many wonder aloud, “Why should mail still be part of our lead-generation mix?” Their rationale goes something like this: “I get lots of mail at home. I throw out most of it. So if our company is still using mail as part of our marketing mix, we must be throwing away a lot of money. Isn't everyone we want to reach online? Does anyone read printed marketing materials anymore?” The answers to those questions may surprise you.

  1. Reaching the Unreachable: They can't read your email if they're not online. It would be nice if every purchase influencer you wanted to reach were actually online at work, but they're not. Plant managers, health professionals, field service technicians, contractors, and many other businesspeople are on their feet, out of the office, or away from computers all day. In addition to being the only way to reach them, mail allows these targets to read your message on their clock and then respond when and how they want—picking up the phone or posting your reply card. For instance, using a physicians mailing list can help you reach healthcare professionals who are often away from their desks.

  2. Comprehensive Targeting: With mail, you can reach everyone. What's more, you can slice and dice your targets any way that suits your marketing whim. There are mailing lists available for every conceivable industry, product type, job function, company size, and purchase influence you could want. There are compiled files of every business in the U.S. selected by date founded, employee size, job title, SIC code, and geography. There are even response files containing prospects with a history of reading and responding to mail solicitations. That's catnip to a B2B direct marketer. For example, using a registered voters mailing list can help you target specific demographics within a business environment.

  3. Mail's Popularity: People like to get mail. Always have; always will. Many marketers who claim that mail is “old school” can't resist opening everything that lands in their inboxes each day and eagerly check their mailboxes when they get home from the office each night. Interestingly, both Gen X and Gen Y rate 75% of their mail as being of immediate value to them; 63% report that they enjoy getting catalogs, and 64% said they'd ordered something online the previous month after receiving a direct mail offer. DMA research shows that mail is well-received by prospects of all demographic groups—from Gen Xers to baby boomers. And as marketers shift campaign dollars to online strategies, every mailbox becomes less cluttered, thereby granting each piece a clearer shot at getting noticed.

  4. Effectiveness of Mail: Reaching the entire target market, targeting with precision, getting the attention of cold prospects, mail continues to be a most effective channel for acquisition activities. How effective? Our campaign data tell us that mail responders are 10% to 20% more likely to convert to a marketing-qualified lead than their online counterparts. Cost-per-qualified mail lead is 5% to 15% less than online. And field sales reps report a 7% to 15% higher likelihood of working a mail-based lead. Russell Kern, CEO of the Kern Organization, emphasizes that mail should be a staple in your marketing mix.

TIP #2: Surviving the Mailroom

B2B mail has an additional hurdle to cover, and that is surviving the mailroom. Be mindful of your B2B mailings if you are hitting many recipients within the same company. The mailroom may see the predominance of your piece, gather them all up, and walk them to the bin. To combat this, pull one-company multi-recipient pieces and mail them over a few days. For instance, using a teachers mailing list, you can stagger mailings to ensure each piece reaches its intended recipient without being discarded in bulk.

By implementing these B2B marketing strategies, you can enhance the effectiveness of your direct mail campaigns, ensuring better lead generation and higher response rates.