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Effective Direct Mail Marketing Tips for This Year

1) Include the Word "You" as Often as Possible

This helps you stay focused on the prospect and not your product or service. One creative director claimed she could tell whether or not a mailing would be successful just by counting the number of times the writer used the word "you". For instance, when crafting a message for a nurses mailing list, addressing the reader directly with "you" ensures the message feels personal and relevant to their needs.

2) Use Pictures of People

People are irresistibly drawn to pictures of other people, not objects. Contrary to what you might expect, men are drawn to men and women to women. There is also some research to support that we prefer looking at happy, smiling people. Including images of smiling professionals can be particularly effective when targeting an insurance agents mailing list, as it creates a positive and relatable visual connection.

3) Show Your Target Market

The first question anyone will ask when they pick up your direct mail package or brochure is, "Who is this for - for people like me?" Showing a picture of your target market using or benefiting from your product will almost always improve response. This would make good use of variable data printing (VDP). For example, using an automotive owner mailing list, you could show images of car owners enjoying the benefits of your automotive products, making the offer more appealing and relatable.

By implementing these direct mail marketing strategies, you can enhance the personal connection, visual appeal, and relevance of your campaigns, leading to better engagement and response rates.