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Crafting Effective Direct Mail Campaigns: Lessons from Lawn Care

A neighborhood lawn care company has set a new standard in direct mail marketing by thinking outside the box of traditional "pay, spray, and pay" services. Their envelope, personalized by a local agent, stands out in several ways. The agent’s signed letter includes a business card with a friendly portrait, phone number, and website, adding a personal touch that establishes a connection with the recipient.

The mailing also includes a set of address labels featuring vibrant images of trees and flowers in full bloom, making the piece more attractive and engaging. Environmental tips cover 25% of the sell sheet, appealing to eco-conscious customers and adding value beyond the service offer.

The most compelling aspect of their campaign is the company’s commitment to plant a tree for every new customer, in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation. This promise not only differentiates them from competitors but also appeals to the recipient’s sense of social responsibility. Compared to similar self-mailers from other companies, this piece is hard to ignore.

Timing Matters in Direct Mail Campaigns

Timing is a critical element in the success of direct mail campaigns. It’s essential to consider not only your production schedule but also what’s happening in your recipients' world. National holidays, election days, and major sports or media events can all impact how your mail is received. For instance, sending out mail during the hockey playoffs might capture the attention of sports fans or, conversely, get lost in the excitement.

By aligning your mail plans with key external events, you can increase the likelihood that your message will be noticed and acted upon. Just as you monitor your investment plans, keep a close eye on your direct mail schedules to ensure optimal timing and relevance.

Avoiding Over-Solicitation in Donor Communications

Research by Cygnus reveals that over-solicitation is the number one complaint among donors, and it’s a leading reason why donors stop giving. To maintain donor relationships, it’s important to respect their preferences regarding the frequency of solicitations. Many donors have specific giving schedules: 23% give once per year, and another 21% give on a regular schedule. That’s nearly half of your donor base with set expectations.

Asking donors how often they prefer to be contacted can help tailor your approach, ensuring that your communications are well-received and your donors remain engaged and supportive.  You'll find donor prospecting selects by sourcing from BB Direct's Consumer Database.

And if BB Direct can help supply you with a targeted mailing list, don't hesitate to call us today.