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Boost Response Rates with Engaging Direct Mail Tactics

Stickers: Bringing Out the Kid in Us

It is beyond all rational thought why adults require stickers to indicate choices when a simple check mark would suffice. But the fact is, "yes-no" stickers, product stickers, and free gift stickers really do work, i.e., they raise response rates. There is something readers find indescribably satisfying about committing with pressure-sensitive stickers.

A word of warning: if you employ stickers, be absolutely obvious in directing your responder—where to find it, how to peel it off, and where to place it.

Focus on Unique Selling Points

Is there anyone who doesn't offer quality, service, and value? Of course not. Don’t waste copy space on these toss-off features unless one of them is your specialty. For that one specialty, back it up with easily read and easily understood, logically built proof. Your reader needs to be absolutely convinced. Highlighting unique selling points in your mailing lists, such as our consumer mailing lists or business mailing lists, can enhance the effectiveness of your campaign.

Add a Time Limit to Boost Response

Adding a time limit almost always boosts response. You can connect the time limit to your main offer or to your premium. One easy way to add this to an existing package or mailer is to create a simple piece of art that looks like you've rubber-stamped the deadline. It should be ugly and realistic.

Enhance Your Direct Mail Strategy with BB Direct

BB Direct offers a range of targeted mailing lists, including consumer mailing lists and business mailing lists, to help you reach the right audience with your direct mail campaigns. By incorporating engaging elements like stickers and emphasizing unique selling points with a clear call to action, you can maximize your response rates and achieve your marketing goals.