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B2B Direct Mail Strategies: Tips to Enhance Your Campaign

1) Size Matters

The most common envelope kit in your mailbox today is a white #9 window package. The most common postcard is 6" x 9". In your next mailing, break out of the paradigm. One of the five most influential format variables is size. Use it to your advantage. Consider targeting your audience with a physicians mailing list to ensure your uniquely sized mail pieces reach the right hands.

2) Light at the End of the Mailbox

Personal household tallies reveal that we have provided our email address to 53 organizations in exchange for loyalty cards, newsletters, magazines, charities, politicians, and access to merchants, banks, and services. These enterprises have abandoned our mailbox to drown their message in the flood of email we receive daily. The fight for our attention has shifted from the curb to the screen. Moral: if you are in the hunt for a new customer today, the mailbox at the end of the driveway is the easier place to find and read your offer. Using a dentists mailing list can help you target professionals who are more likely to engage with physical mail over digital clutter.

3) List Hygiene

List hygiene is an obvious cost reducer. While we may understand its absolute value in cash savings, it is a significant determinant in response analysis too. If you mail 1,000,000 pieces with a 1% response, and 50,000 of those pieces were undeliverable, then your actual, real response rate was 1.05%. This subtlety is especially important when you are testing. A 5 percent lift is a big deal.

4) Red Marks the Spot

On a white background, red will be the most arresting color you can use to attract the reader's eye. Use it to make the offer or highlight a key feature or competitor fault. Don't waste it on low-calorie text.

5) Risky Business

A chief obstacle to responding is the responder's sense of risk. Will I lose my money? Will I be disappointed? Will a salesperson bother me? Can I back out later? What happens to my name and address? Your job is to reduce the risk, real or perceived. Promote and rapidly honor your guarantee. Handle personal inquiries personally. Give the option for more mail. And if you need a salesperson to follow up, hire and equip them to be knowledgeable, personable, and dedicated to the relationship.

6) Closing the Deal

In B-to-B mailings, the call to action is often to "request information." It's a weak appeal. If you are attempting to generate leads, give your salespeople something more tangible to respond with. Close your direct mail campaign with a specific actionable offer, with measurable goals: "Show me how I can reduce sales costs by 24% using the Acme software kit." For this, a targeted insurance agents mailing list can help you reach professionals looking for such specific solutions.

By following these strategies, you can enhance the effectiveness of your B2B direct mail campaigns and achieve better results.