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1st Order Okay, 2nd Order Critical

While your first customer order is important, the next, and often elusive, second order is almost as critical. Once someone purchases from you initially, they are a buyer, but when they buy from you twice, they become a customer. Build a relationship with that first-time buyer by testing a series of fulfillment letters that go out with their initial order.

Offer a new customer discount on their second order. Begin to think like your customer and make them feel special with exclusive savings right after their initial purchase. Our consumer mailing lists can help you reach the right audience and encourage repeat business.

Mail Use & Attitudes

Purchases Resulting from Advertising Mail in the Previous Month

Percent of Households # of Purchases 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
1 12% 11% 11% 12% 12%  
2 6% 6% 7% 5% 9%  
3-5 4% 4% 5% 4% 8%  
6 1% 1% 1% 1% 2%  
Total 23% 22% 24% 22% 31%  


This study, performed annually since 1987 by NuStats on behalf of the US Postal Service, provides a consistent look at households' attitudes towards mail received, such as advertising mail. Contrary to the image that direct mail is “junk mail” and is tossed without consideration, a majority of respondents report paying attention to the advertising they receive, either reading it or scanning it.

In addition, one in three households says they made one or more purchases thanks to the advertising mail they received.

Lost Sales

Missed or badly addressed promotional mail has a triple-cost effect. The obvious cost is wasted postage and production. The not-so-obvious cost is the lost potential of those spoiled pieces. The hidden cost is what you need to sell to recover the loss.

For instance, if you wasted $1,000 in undeliverable mail, and you enjoy a 10% income before taxes, then you wasted $10,000 in sales. To prevent such losses, consider utilizing our accurate and up-to-date mailing lists, such as the business mailing list, to ensure your promotional materials reach the right audience.